Friday, July 2, 2010

Probably is a red flag word

Kazakh Dispatch Day 5 - Forgive the lack of post yesterday as we spent all day in the opera house with no internet for our final pitch. Langford once more gets credit for the post title as we have learned that here in Kazakhstan, Probably means no. So if one says, The Cab will probably be here in 10 minutes we know it will not etc. However I must say that yesterday was the best day of the whole festival. We have to give the organizers credit, they threw an international festival together in 6 months and that they even got it together is a feat in its self.

The closing ceremonies were well done and in good taste and our fine collegue Geoffrey took the prize for his fine script and it seems that they will be developing his script into a film quite soon. So you heard it here first, Apollo 18 will be a franchise soon.

We'll be leaving at the butt crack of dawn tomorrow to make our way back to LA in a Marathon 20 hour flight with 2 hour stop overs in between making our day incredibly long. I must say in all honesty, and this is the first time I have said this in 2 years, never mind in digital ink, I can't wait to be back in LA. Its a place with much more opportinitues for me right now, its funny to have come half way across the globe to have meetings with people who live  and work 15 min away from you but in the confines of a new land, fish out of water if you will, the bonds you make are real and unique.

Overall I hope this festival becomes a yearly event, it is one of the most amazing prizes in all of the industry, to get a production deal with the possibility of actually seeing your film on the screen in the next 2 years simply by applying to a festival is unheard of and also an amazing way to find talent. So for that I applaud them.

So in this case, I hope that Probably actually means yes.

Now for more sleep...

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